Bizgro Automotive Sales Training & Placement
At Bizgro we have been inundated by requests from our customers in the automotive trade for sales staff placements and training. So in May 2018 we formed a dedicated automotive division for placements of sales candidates, supported by training provided by our new Automotive Sales Academy.
The turnover of motor trade salespeople creates a constant need for efficient, passionate, loyal sales personnel. But with the pool of experienced talent in the industry being relatively small, dealerships are often faced with the choice of employing a stagnant seller, or training up a rookie from scratch.
However, dealerships require sellers who are trained and ready to perform. And talented rookies are understandably not granted opportunities without the necessary experience.
Bizgro has created an opportunity to support talented candidates seeking employment as well as providing support to dealerships in acquiring able, loyal employees.

Training Services: Automotive Sales Academy
With management under enormous time constraints, it is just not feasible to train newbies.
Paragraph: Details of the training provided- to follow
Placement Services: Automotive Sales Personnel
Paragraph: Details of the placement service – to follow

Our support continues post-employment, in coaching & developing skills, saving management the time you do not have.
We have experienced motor salespeople seeking employment available on our database. Our preferential rates & strict screening policies ensure you get the very best personnel available at the very best rate.
100% three month warranty.
the ROI of sales training
Effective sales training can be accomplished in a half or one day session.Revenue growth achieved through the skills learnt, is reaped over time. When you combine the concept of one-time sales training costs against sales growth over a period & then factor in profitability, the positive financial impact is staggering. Here is an example ~For […]
Sales opportunities during the Christmas break
As Christmas draws near, we find that so many companies put new hire posts on hold. And they also stop chasing for new business, during this “silly” season. PLEASE, please believe me, this is the VERY BEST time of the year to gain new business! Where you were possibly blocked from gaining an opportunity to […]
Personnel demands & packages in South Africa right now
South African Companies are now seeking Sales Personnel! At last the market is re-opening & Sales Execs are needed. Especially those Sellers with strong HUNTER skills. (if you wish to gain the knowledge of your own HUNTER skill set, simply mail [email protected]) We will happily share your natural sales profile with you, for FREE. CareerJunction […]
Need better sales performance? Contact Bizgro below.
Richard Lyon
- C: 083 625 7721
- E: [email protected]