Create the Ultimate Telesales Team in 2021
Upskill your Telesales Team to become the best of the best.
Vital in-house secrets to add lines & upsell orders, every time a Customer calls or they call a Customer.
A half day, complete guide, to become the leading sales performers in your Industry.
Content based on experience from 35 years of hiring, training & upskilling Telesellers, as well as the new covid era!
What we will cover ~
- the vital role of the Tele Sales Professional in today’s covid market
- developing great telephone sales skills ~ the basics you need to become the best in your trade
- learning the key sales skills ~ so much more than just picking up the phone
- make your Customers’ DAY ~ every time they call or when you call them
- what is our primary function? To make & increase the sale!
- necessary skills to sell more products to ~ every Customer ~ every call!
- the ultimate Tele Sales Professional in our new normal ~ summary
Companies who have seen the market change before our eyes will realize the Tele Sales Professional has become the key in growing your business.
This totally unique, half day course, will arm your Team to be the very best within your industry.
Arm your Team ~ NOW, before the opposition wakes up!