HOSP fill your hotel in the off season

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A wonderful Fourways Chamber event last week – met so many really wonderful hoteliers.Understandably a big concern is getting through the cold off-season months.

So, I applied my mind as how to possibly offer some opportunities, that I would respond to, as a possible Guest, during winter.

  1. Off season conference team break away

As a business leader, should an enticing offer come my way of a winter special for our business to move an annual conference, or even hold those much-needed team building sessions, during this period, at a reduced rate, I would certainly be interested. So, reach out to all businesses in your region with your off-season breakaway offer.

  1. Break out

Especially if you came up with a novel theme or package. Christmas in winter is a bit tired by now, but something fun & winter related to beat the cold blues.

  1. Know your Guests

Build a data base of all Guests who stay at your establishment.

Catch up with them, with exclusively personalised specials, in lieu of their wonderful support. It makes them feel special & appreciated.

  1. Rewards Programme

Build in a rewards programme for anyone who stays with you in peak season. A stay during off-season will give you X, Y & Z benefits.

  1. Hurry their tummy

We all tend to eat more in winter to keep out the cold. Bring in some exciting & titillating meal offerings to bring them in.

Bring in an expert, A wonderful Fourways Chamber event last week – met so many really wonderful hoteliers.

Understandably a big concern is getting through the cold off-season months.

So, I applied my mind as how to possibly offer some opportunities, that I would respond to, as a possible Guest, during winter.

  1. Off season conference team break away

As a business leader, should an enticing offer come my way of a winter special for our business to move an annual conference, or even hold those much-needed team building sessions, during this period, at a reduced rate, I would certainly be interested. So, reach out to all businesses in your region with your off-season breakaway offer.

  1. Break out

Especially if you came up with a novel theme or package. Christmas in winter is a bit tired by now, but something fun & winter related to beat the cold blues.

  1. Know your Guests

Build a data base of all Guests who stay at your establishment.

Catch up with them, with exclusively personalised specials, in lieu of their wonderful support. It makes them feel special & appreciated.

  1. Rewards Programme

Build in a rewards programme for anyone who stays with you in peak season. A stay during off-season will give you X, Y & Z benefits.

  1. Hurry their tummy

We all tend to eat more in winter to keep out the cold. Bring in some exciting & titillating meal offerings to bring them in.

Bring in a Nicole to excite the taste buds!

Best wishes.

like Nicole, to excite the taste buds!

Best wishes.

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