Recruitment reborn

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where will you source your next sales hire?

The most common question HR & Sales Management ask themselves – how do I find the best, right-fit talent available in the market?

The next question is, finding this rare beast, without breaking the bank?

And thirdly, hiring right, the first time. (60% of new sales hires don’t make it through the first six months with their new company)

Introducing BizGro sales placement specialists.

What makes Bizgro’s offering totally unique?

  1. we are totally focused on selected industries, where we have years of experience
  2. not being a generalist recruitment, we work in sales related positions, from senior sales management to telesales
  3. placement models are flexible, to meet the specific Client’s requirements
  4. the model is self-funding as it is an outcome based one
  5. sourcing Candidates is a personal thing & many of our successful Hires, have come about through our BizGro Spotter base of experts
  6. we first engage with our Client’s to understand your business culture, enabling us to match, not just ability, but compatibility too

So, when you have a sales vacancy, talk to the specialists.

Represented in all the 3 major centres of South Africa.

Cape Town: Steve Horwitz: [email protected]

KZN: Doug Felt: [email protected]

Gauteng: Richard Lyon: [email protected]

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